Open Informatics

Open Informatics
The goal of the program Open Informatics is to educate professionals with critical thinking who can participate in the development of complex software applications and IT systems. The emphasis is put on the architecture design and implementation of large technological systems and the management of the development process with the application of appropriate methodologies. The study program deepens and expands the necessary theoretical background and principles related to the focus of the study program. The graduates also gain experience related to the design of complex algorithms, from graph algorithms to methods of artificial intelligence. According to their preferences, students focus on the areas of data analysis and machine learning, user interfaces design, advanced automation, or ensuring data credibility.
Graduate profile:
During the study, the student will gain a broad knowledge and acquire practical skills, especially in the field of complex technological systems development, with an emphasis on software systems. The strategic dimension of these systems and their architectures is emphasized. Students also increase their theoretical knowledge of informatics, strategic and operational management of companies, and leading teams of specialists. According to their choice, students also specialize in the areas of data analysis, user interfaces, control automation, or data credibility.
- knowledge: methods of analysis and modeling of systems and business processes, modern methods of development and deployment of software and technological systems, security issues in complex technological systems, especially in computer networks, management techniques necessary to monitor the business environment, team management, and group decision-making and strategic management in enterprises with an emphasis on their information systems and technologies;
- skils: to creatively apply the theoretical background to solving problems in the field of information and communication technologies, to manage the process of technological systems development using appropriate methodologies, to analyze and model business processes using appropriate methodologies, to design complex technological systems, to provide technological solutions for the deployment and operation of complex technological systems, and to evaluate complex technological systems from the point of view of their security and implementing the necessary measures;
- competences: to manage and implement projects of complex technological systems, information systems, and professional systems for the management and control in various types of organizations, to define strategies in the field of information and technological systems of companies, to communicate within the team focused on the implementation of complex technological systems and to present the results of the teamwork.
Graduates can be employed in the following positions: manager, especially in development teams, designer/developer of complex software applications, especially mobile and web solutions, designer/developer of complex automated control systems, specialist in collaborative robotics, data analyst and machine learning specialist, user interface design and testing specialist.
Admission requirements:
- entrance exam - Economics Informatics test;
- nostrification - obtaining a certificate of recognition of previous education;
- study contract - signing study contract and paying tuition fees.
For this programme, there is recently available a scholarship support from the South-Moravian Center for International Mobility. More information can be found here.
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