English Language for Education

Connecting English with education
At our department, you will learn everything an English teacher needs to know: something about English itself, something about the literature, history, and culture of English-speaking countries, but above all how to pass it on to future students in a modern, creative, and effective way.
We put great emphasis on the practical dimension of the studies, which is why we already include compulsory teaching practice at real schools on the bachelor’s degree. The bachelor’s degree programme will also prepare you for our follow-up master’s programme in Lower Secondary School English Language Teacher Training and will enable you to become a fully-fledged, professional, and versatile English teacher – a must at all levels of education. Study with us and you will not get lost in the globalised world.
Graduate profile: Teaching career started
As a graduate of our bachelor’s programme, you will be qualified to work as teaching assistants, and you can also work as English language teachers at language schools and on courses or as instructors in free-time centres. You can also provide language training in various companies and institutions.
In addition to this career path, you can also take the path of further studies and continue in the follow-up master’s programme in Lower Secondary School English Language Teacher Training to become a fully qualified teacher.
Applicants need to submit a legalised copy of documents certifying completion of secondary education, CV, a letter of application (max. 500 words), and must demonstrate their English language skills at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language by submitting a certificate.
And don’t worry, you don’t need to come to Brno for your admission procedure. The Czech Republic will be waiting for you to start your new adventure after admission.
For more information about English Language for Education at Masaryk University, click the link below.
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