Chemistry, Technology and Properties of Materials

The aim of the study is to educate experts in the field of materials engineering and engineering technology with an emphasis on chemical processes and material properties. In studies are also included basics of testing and measuring methods that the students were able to work not only as a leading technology teams in chemical plants, but also in basic and applied research, research and development institutes involved in the testing of physical-chemical characteristics of substances and in dedicated production promising new materials. This is also directed domestic and international internships. The inclusion of practical exercises doctoral students acquire basic experience with students, allowing them in the future can be integrated into the process of teaching at universities and secondary schools.
Graduate profile:
Graduates of Chemistry, Technology and material properties are equipped with both experimental and theoretical knowledge in the field of material structures and their properties. They control a number of methods for the characterization of materials not only at the level of theoretical description , but are also familiar with the practices of their use in practice ( a lot of information gain among others, during internships at foreign universities ) . Stays allow them to also expand your language skills. Theoretical foundations of obtain in appropriately selected subjects. Graduates also have experience in the provision of information and presentation of results at conferences and professional seminars , not only in Czech , but also the English language. Doctoral students are also encouraged to independent and creative thinking and technological foresight , allowing them to solve technological problems in a number of operations. Given that the study course " Chemistry, Technology and Properties of Materials " is a modern -conceived field of doctoral study, which is based on the current state and needs of the chemical, electronic and consumer goods industries , graduates are eligible to work in both the industrial sector and areas applied and basic research. It should be noted that the graduate study program also has a basic knowledge of chemistry and physics. The general basis is extended by special courses that include, for example, the progress of chemistry and physics , nanotechnology , use of secondary raw materials, bioengineering and the use of chemical and physical laws in the areas of inorganic and organic compounds.
Admission requirements:
Come and grasp the unique opportunity to participate in top research and development
The Faculty of Chemistry welcomes students and visitors from all over the world. Our aim is to maintain inspiring international environment that is why the faculty has currently almost 50 bilateral agreements with institutions around the world. We actively promote international exchange within the Erasmus+ framework. Among our partner institutions are University of Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris, Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim or University of Applied Sciences in Dresden.
An attractive part of the study at FCH are the laboratory projects that are led by our scholars in English in various areas of research. They are offered in both winter and summer semester and are open to both bachelor’s and master’s degree students.
Examples of current project topics open for students and trainees: Characterization of organic compounds, Research and development of modern hydrogel materials, Plasma chemistry, Environmental analysis, Photochemistry and photocatalysis, Biocolloids, Scrubber absorption, Physical microbiology and Organic electronics and photovoltaics.
FCH also participates in the successful International Staff Week organized by Brno University of Technology as well as encourages its students and academics to gain foreign experience and participate in international activities at FCH BUT.
You will find complete information about admission here.
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